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Stay Innovative!

The ON720.COM blog 

For us at ON720.COM, 'staying innovative' is both a promise and a reminder to ourselves to always challenge ways of solving complex problems and challenges.

'Stay innovative' is also an invitation to our customers, users, and followers to be inspired by the expert knowledge we share on our blog. Together with our apps, it's our contribution to unlocking business potentials worldwide.

Enhancing Data Quality with Business720 at Hedegaard Nordic

27 August 2024

Hedegaard Nordic, a prominent supplier of building materials in Denmark, sought to improve their data quality for customer and vendor creation. Business720 streamlined their data management processes, ensuring accuracy and significantly speeding up the creation of new vendors and suppliers.

Digital Transformation with Expense720 at Hedegaard Nordic

01 August 2024

Hedegaard Nordic, a leading supplier of building materials in Denmark, faced challenges with manual, paper-based invoice processing that was slow and error-prone. Expense720 was a game-changer for digital expense and invoice management.

PEPPOL: The Future of Efficient Electronic Invoicing

01 May 2024

Electronic invoicing has revolutionized the way companies manage their billing processes. A key component of this transformation is the PEPPOL network. In this article, we will explore what the PEPPOL network is and how your organization can benefit from it.

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